Dangerous Goods

Carriage of Dangerous Goods

This safety notice is to remind shippers of the rules concerning goods which are classed as “Dangerous Goods” i.e. have been allocated a UN number, must be accompanied by a “Dangerous Goods Note” when presented for shipment. It is the responsibility of the shipper to complete and produce the dangerous goods note before attempting to ship dangerous goods.

Some of the more common substances that can be carried onboard our vessels which are classed as dangerous goods are:

  • Petroleum spirit (which can be carried in one road tanker of not more than 12000 litres capacity; or one road vehicle containing not more than 25 x 210 litre hermetically sealed UN approved drums, properly secured in a goods vehicle)
  • Butane, propane and oxygen gases (in cylinders)
  • Diesel and Kerosene (in barrels, portable tanks or road tankers)
  • Nitrate Fertilizers (bagged)
  • Hay and straw (slung or on lorries) unless carried in closed cargo transport units bales of hay and straw shall be covered by tarpaulins or the like.

Petroleum Spirit and gas is carried under a “Dangerous Goods Exemption” issued by the MCA (Due to passenger ship regulations) and can only be carried in the stated containers and will only to be carried separately when no other dangerous goods are on board.

Under no circumstances will goods which are classed as “Dangerous Goods” be accepted for shipping without a completed Dangerous Goods Note and these Notes should be presented by the shipper to the Pier staff in Kirkwall, the company’s agents in Westray, Papa Westray, North Ronaldsay, Sanday, Stronsay or Eday, the office staff at Houton and Tingwall or the ships mates at the terminals of, Flotta Lyness, Moaness, Graemsay, Stromness, Rousay, Egilsay, Wyre, Shapinsay and Kirkwall (Shapinsay Service only).

Orkney Ferries reserves the right to stop and search any vehicle it considers to be in breach of this notice.

The carriage of these substances includes the empty vehicles and containers.

IMDG legislation is available here.

Dangerous Goods Documents

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