Travel Updates
There are multiple travel updates for our services.
  • We regret to advise that tomorrow’s cargo sailing to North Ronaldsay has been cancelled due to forecasted weather conditions … We will run additional service to Papa Westray and North Ronaldsay on Sunday 23rd March…

    Please be advised that this sailing will not be accepting any motor vehicles travelling to/from North Ronaldsay due to forecasted conditions

    An attempt to berth at North Ronaldsay will be made but will be dependent on conditions at the time

    We are also working with Loganair to secure cargo space for perishables to North Ronaldsay in the event of cancellation

    Sailing times will be as follows:

    Depart Kirkwall – 08:30

    Arrive Papa Westray – 10:20

    Depart Papa Westray – 11:10

    Arrive North Ronaldsay – 12:30

    Depart North Ronaldsay – 13:00

    Arrive Kirkwall – 15:40

  • We regret to inform passengers that we have had to extend the refit period for an additional 5 days to Thursday the 3rd April.

    This is due to more extensive engine repair work that is required on the MV Earl Thorfinn.

    Our team are working to resolve this as quickly as possible; we now expect the vessel return to service on the 4th April.

    We will be contacting all passengers whose bookings are affected, and have temporarily suspended any new bookings on ONI routes between the 30th March and 3rd April.

    Updates will be provided once the transfer to the refit timetable is complete, and we are in a position to re-open bookings.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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